Have you ever wondered how to start this brilliant and fun career? Have you ever thought about making your own modelling portfolio? It could be easier than you think!
In my profession I often find myself meeting beautiful girls who would like to work in the fashion world as a models, but I find it difficult to fulfill their wish because of the lack of a professional modelling portfolio. Not an amateur book made in the garden, careful… there’s a big difference!

what’s a professional modelling portfolio?
A modelling portfolio is a collection of images created by a team of professionals; photographer, stylist and makeup artist, all working together to show the best of the model. An expert touch completely changes the quality and level of the final result.

a model to work seriously needs to have a modelling portfolio.
Just think of just how many clients are looking for models, but don’t have the opportunity to do live castings; they obviously require images that will enhance the model and show her photographic efficiency, which varies from person to person, regardless of beauty itself.
It may happen that the modelling portfolio of a beautiful girl is of far less impact than that of an objectively less beautiful girl, just because the photographic efficiency of a model is not directly proportional to her beauty.

Even at our agency Freelance Fashion byproviding this type of service, creating a modelling portfolio of the aspiring models, we realize how we can be amazed by the potential of a girl who initially does it as a game, but then turns it into a real profession.
The possibilities are endless, you don’t have to be a professional model, you can be an hostess, hair model, beauty model, shoes, videos .. you name it!

The only point in common for all this possibilities remains the modelling portfolio. It’s a real business card. The images are created and studied to highlight the strengths of the girl and show her versatility so that she can be attractive for various types of clients and jobs.
You have to be careful, don’t fall in wrong hands, rely on true industry professionals, like us! 😉
What are you waiting for then? Come and meet us and find out more about this fun opportunity!

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