Freestyle eyes

Freestyle eyes: the new trend in make-up for this season.

Freestyle eyes is the new trend in making-up eyes. A new innovative way that each of you can create yourselves.

The new season has an unique use of colour more spontaneous, fast and doubtlessly far less technical. Freestyle eyes, the new improvised smokey eye method is simply spreading the product with the fingers, soiling and staining the skin. (Not by chance ‘Energy’ is the buzzword of new cosmetics this season. Neither by chance, shades of greens are the key colours. Not as a colour block but instead they are contrasted with bordeaux, orange, mauve or blue.)


Start by preparing a very light and little dusty base, once done… focus your chromatic voltage on your eyes by patting your ‘energy’ colour with your fingers at the side near your eyelashes and around your eye. Use the contrast colours and mix between them creating unusual shades, tapping with your fingers and then redefining the edges by fading with a soft brush.

  • If you want to emphasize the look even more; pass a soft pencil inside your eye creating a bit of smudged effect. Generous coats of mascara will finish your work.

Focus on your eyes

Remember that this kind of make-up focuses on your eyes so keep your lips simple. I like to finish them with a simple lip balm, neutral, but it will not only enhance the natural shape of your lips but also keep them soft. You could also try classic nude colours or semi-opaque shades.

On your temples and on your cheekbones a touch of highlighter will add to your look, but careful not to exaggerate.

Finally a touch of blush to sculpt your cheekbones and temples.

At this point the game is over! Your freestyle eyes make-up is done! You just have to show it to everybody! Enjoy!!


Published by

Alessio Giovannelli

Makeup artist &Hair Stylist. Sono cresciuto con la passione per l'arte e la pittura e questo mi ha portato a cominciare la mia carriera prima nel teatro, poi nel cinema e infine nella moda. Da anni collaboro con varie case di moda , stilisti e magazine italiani ed esteri e la mia creatività nel creare look sempre molto attuali non mi abbandona mai!

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